Our Programmes


Empowering Church Leaders

In South Sudan many pastors and church leaders have been ordained to lead the congregation without basic theological background, some have been ordained to serve in the village Churches, the military, hospitals, and schools and yet most of them come from Cattle camps and local villages, totally illiterate. Transformation of the World in Christ, used mobile training strategies to reach out to the local church leaders in their own villages whereby the targeted students will be attending the trainings for 14 days then go back to their churches to practice what they have learned. The training is conducted two times in one year; two weeks in April and two weeks in November and after three years they graduated with advance certificate in theology under TWIC. The Institute is an interdenominational, focus on church planting, peacebuilding, and biblical leadership

Food Security And Livelihood

Women in South Sudan struggle to provide food and other essentials for their families due to frequently conflicts in the Country and unreliable work. Microfinance helps families trapped in poverty to develop their own income so they can provide for themselves and escape poverty for the long term. Food is vital during disasters. Whether to save lives or improve health and education, food is key in empowering communities to become self-reliant. We are there when communities need us most: When disaster strikes, we are on the ground, quickly providing immediate support and we stay helping to rebuild lives for children, families, and communities. We believe a hunger-free world is possible.

Health & Nutrition

Good health empowers people to live a better life. We serve vulnerable children, families, and communities by teaching proper hygiene and nutrition and enhancing their health systems. There are counties where we see children dying needlessly from preventable issues. We want hope and health to be restored. We want to see improved access to care, lasting behavioural change, and communities connected to what works so children and families can survive and thrive. We are delivering health and Living hoods programmes in South Sudan, to help the country develop its capacity to provide for the needs of its people.

Peacebuilding And Reconciliation

For the local communities to live secure lives, it takes more than just basic necessities of survival. Communities need good governance, lasting and equal economic development, civic empowerment, and peace and reconciliation. True peace comes from within. Our approach is to help communities resolve their own conflicts, build capacities to heal broken relationships, and nourish justice. We are building peace, one young person at a time. We educate Village elders and youth in conflict areas so they can help bring peace to their communities from the inside.
Rev. Paul Lueth stand in the Middle of executive Chief and Spiritual Leader of Nuer Garang Tur-rok and other audience attend the meeting in Mayom county in Unity state.


Since the declaration of the independence of South Sudan on 9th July 2011, efforts are being made towards overall development and bringing basic services to improve the standard of living for the people of South Sudan, education being the core of all. Humanitarian organizations are also trying their level best to ensure people continue living in dignity. However, there are serious gaps that need to be addressed to avert situations that can contribute to the loss of the gains already made. The world has become a village today and the only means of being part of the world is by being literate and the only instrument to it is education. Transformation of the World in Christ interest is to improve the social and economic welfare of the children in South Sudan. We intend to build this school in Biemhnom village so that children from the village and it’s environed can get enrolled in the school from a very tender age and begin to learn to coexist together. This will in turn help in socializing children in a multicultural environment which will go a long way in averting future conflicts. In Beimnhom village there is only one such school still learning under trees, during rainy season is hard for the children to learn.


We want all children and families to flourish. That’s why we strive to give every child safe access to clean water. Every 60 seconds a family gets water. However, as many as 800 children still die from unsafe water every single day. Clean water is a basic human need and impacts every aspect of living. By making clean water a priority, we can help provide access to all and solve this crisis over our lifetime.


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