TWIC Empower Women of South Sudan


We, committed to improving the quality of life of local communities in South Sudan. Based on its Christian values and professional expertise.


To Develop personal integrity through an understanding and expression of the character of Christ in each individual’s life.

Our Core Values

  • Christianity - We aspire to follow the teachings of Jesus, and dedication to Christian unity, prayer and faith in Christ.
  • Corporative in Ministry - We value partnerships that are diverse and creative in their approach to solving South Sudanese complex socio-economic, political, and spiritual problems. The cooperation reflects the body of Christ and maximizes both human and financial resources.
  • Integrity - We are good stewards of our resources.
  • Communication - We communicate honestly and respectfully.
  • Inclusion -We promote and practice inclusion, of Justice, peace, equality and respect for human rights.

About Us

Transformation of Wold in Christ (TWIC) is a South Sudan National nonprofit and Christian base Organization. Has been legally registered in 2014 with South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission(SSRRC) as a National nongovernmental Organization under Chapter 3, section 10 of NGOs Act, 2016. To uplift the holistic ministry of the rural and urban communities in South Sudan. Transformation of the World In Christ is working for Humanitarian assistance and development across Sotuh Sudan throught our core interventions are includes; Empower church Leaders, Peace-building, education, Water, Sanitation, health, food security and Livelihood, promotion of justice, and emergency relief. Transformation of the World in Christ (TWIC) South Sudan has a field officers in Wau, Western Bahr el Ghazal, Wunrok, Twic County Warrap State and Juba.

Message from Executive Director

Rev. Capt. Paul Lueth Kat

God is working in South Sudan and around the world to transform individuals and communities through initiatives that have exciting opportunities to grow and impact increasingly. We invite you to explore these initiatives and prayerfully consider how you can make an impact through your financial and spiritual partnership. Social and economic development, especially when one considers the aftermath of the more than 35 years of civil conflicts, besides the recent conflict that affected local communities in 2013 and 2016. Working with local Community TWIC train Church leaders and engage in Evangelism, community mobilization and sensitization on peace and reconciliation.

Our continued work in this area is geared towards reduced disaster losses for marginalized families and communities, through effective and timely community-led responses, to support them to prepare and adapt to future shocks. We also help increase the resilience of vulnerable women, men, girls, boys, and marginalized groups to disasters by promoting community-led resilience strategies. Our last objective is to see increased voice of marginalized communities in influencing legislation on disaster-risk management and climate change initiatives for long-term resilience. The need is great and Jesus calls us to help those in need. In particular, South Sudan has faced decades of civil war. In the last 10 years alone, over 400,000 have died and about a third of the population has been displaced. Conflict has traumatised millions, particularly women and children. Healthcare, education, agriculture and the economy have all suffered.

South Sudan is ranked 185 out of 189 countries on the Human Development Index (HDI) (which measures factors such as: life expectancy, education and gross national income). It is also one of the most dangerous places in the world to give birth: at least 1 in 100 women die in pregnancy or childbirth whilst 1 in 10 children die before they are five.

Pastors are numerous but many have not had the opportunity of much Bible training. The needs in South Sudan are enormous and we think of these words from 1 John in our response:“By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” John 3:16-18

Message from Programmed Manager

Regina Atany Ayuel

We seek to reach marginalized communities with interventions that will lift them out of poverty, help them make their voices heard, and empower them to challenge the structures that keep them in poverty.

Our objective is to contribute to resilient and thriving communities, who have the power to shape the decisions which affect their lives. To achieve this, we work towards increased productivity and income for small-holder producers, micro-enterprises, women and young people. Secondly, we work for enhanced access to inclusive financial services, inputs and working capital for small-holder farmers, women and youth. We design our programmes around increased access to markets for a wide range of people by improving bargaining power, collective action and information access by small-holder producers.

TWIC exists to transform lives by meeting both practical and spiritual needs. We believe the two go hand in hand and work together to transform lives for now and eternity."If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also, faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."James 2:15-17 First and foremost, Jesus gave himself to meet our deep spiritual need. But again and again throughout the gospels he also helps those in physical need.

Our “practical need” projects such as microfinance and agriculture enable people to escape poverty or hunger or some other lack, for the long term. They are most often implemented through local churches, ministers and Christian workers. Some also contain an optional aspect of Bible teaching and spiritual encouragement e.g. the weekly microfinance group meetings or Bible studies offered to all health worker students. All demonstrate Christ’s love for those in desperate need. They do not discriminate and anyone is welcome to take part, regardless of their background or situation. We also work more directly to strengthen churches by supporting church workers in difficult places and by training Bible teachers.


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