+211919465510 | +211924613195
  • IDP and Refugees Visit

    The assessment team in Chan Wandit IDP/Refugee Camp where the residents expressed their difficulties living in the Camps.

  • MAMA Project

    Transformation of the world in christ conducted an assessment visit to the 12 IDP camps in TWIC county, Warrap state.

  • MAMA Project & Transformation of the world in Christ

    Provided quantities of sorghum, millet,peanut oil, sugar, and milk powder for malnourished children and lactating.

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  • Training Community Health Workers

    The Community Health Workers and de-wormers in a learning session during a training session organized by the Transformation of the World in Christ in Turalei town, Twic County in South Sudan.

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  • Training Plumbing mechanics

    Plumbing mechanics in training session to repair and manage Well repairs in Turalei town in Twic County of South Sudan.

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  • We give clean drinking water to IDP and host community

    Rev. Paul Lueth Handed over of new hand pump celebration of the IDP Camp in Ajak Kuac in great joy as they gather to collect clean and safe drinking water from a new water borehole donated by mama project.

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Transformation of Wold in Christ (TWIC) is a South Sudan National nonprofit and Christian base Organization. Has been legally registered in 2014 with South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission(SSRRC) as a National nongovernmental Organization under Chapter 3, section 10 of NGOs Act, 2016. To uplift the holistic ministry of the rural and urban communities in South Sudan. Transformation of the World In Christ is working for Humanitarian assistance and development across Sotuh Sudan throught our core interventions are includes; Empower church Leaders, Peace-building, education, Water, Sanitation, health, food security and Livelihood, promotion of justice, and emergency relief. Transformation of the World in Christ (TWIC) South Sudan has a field officers in Wau, Western Bahr el Ghazal, Wunrok, Twic County Warrap State and Juba.

Our Community Work


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